The IIT JEE Test Prep App Offers an Expnasive Study Material for the Preparation of the Engineering Exam
"The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are India's most prestigious institutes offering internationally recognized standards of excellence in engineering and technology education. Some of the institutes affiliated to the IIT's are Mumbai, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Roorkee campuses and also at the Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi and Indian Mining School, Dhanbad. There are a total of 15 Institutes of the IIT. Students coming from the IITs are known to have acquired professional excellence in their lives. The IIT JEE is a single-stage objective type examination consisting of two papers with a duration of three hours each to test the comprehension and analytical skills of the candidates. Both Papers, Paper-1andPaper-2 will each have three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. All questions will be of objective type, designed to test the aptitude, comprehension and analytical skills of the candidates. Applicants appearing in (10+ 2) or equivalent qualifying examinations must obtain at least 60 percent (55 percent for SC / ST and PD) total marks in their respective board examinations. The new JEE will consist of two tests. IIT JEE Main and Advanced Test which will test the ability to solve problems in basic science subjects-physics, chemistry and mathematics. Both tests have a duration of 3 hours each. The Engineering aspirants preparing for the IIT JEE Mains and Advance can take the help of the different mock tests, previous year papers, live and recorded video lectures curated by the most skilled and knowledgeable faculties of the country available on the IIT JEE Test Preparation App. "
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