Class 7 is the foundation class for the school students as this is the only academic class in which the students for the very first time are made familiar with all the basic concepts of all the different subjects. It lays the foundation for other higher classes namely Class 8. Class 9 and the upcoming board exams of Class 10 and Class 12. The students are advised to be well versed with all the basic concepts of each and every subject in order to score well in the final examination of Class 7.
The students who lack in terms of the basic knowledge of all the subjects which are taught in the 7th standard can never get a chance to taste success in their entire life and also they are never confident about their educational knowledge and as well as the decisions are taken by them in their lifetime. This is the reason, they are advised to focus more on their studies in the 7th Grade.
The ICSE Board students have to deal with a lot of problems while studying the subjects taught in Class 7 as each and every concept is new for them and as a result, it takes time for them to understand the basics of all the chapters of the Class 7 Syllabus in a single endeavor. The reference books recommended by the private education board for the students consist of a comprehensive syllabus but, on the other hand, the content of the chapters is written in a highly tricky language that the students are unable to grasp. Also, the explanation of each subtopic of the particular chapter of the particular subject of ICSE Class 7 is highly illustrative and due to such an illustrative explanation, students do not want to study the content from the textbooks, instead of this they prefer studying from the content provided on the official website of some education portal.
The best education portal and the best e-learning platform is Extramarks. It is an educational technology organization frequently used by the students, teachers or even the parents to access the complete chapter wise content of all the subjects of different classes starting from Nursery to Grade XII. Students can even prepare for medical and engineering entrance exams with the help of the study material available on the test prep app launched by Extramarks according to the latest developments in the field of particular entrance exam
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